ks3 syllabus | Get Started for free | EDUBANA

ks3 syllabus | Get Started for free | EDUBANA

ks3 syllabus | Get Started for free | EDUBANA

ks3 syllabus | Get Started for free | English, Math & Science | EDUBANA

KS3 Syllabus
(Age 11 to 14 years old)

Age: 11/12 Edubana English Vocabulary

Year-7 (Class 7)

The study program focus on English, Maths and introduce the fundamental of Science.

The students explore the significane of science into daily life.

Check the syllabus covered in the Year 7 (Class 7).......

Age:12/13 Edubana GeometryTools

Year-8 (Class 8)

The students get to taste the "Commplexed nature" of English. Applied Mathis introduced to the students.

Science becomes more conceptuals and the students startes developing deeper sense of scientific concepts.

Check the syllabus covered in the Year 8 (Class 8)....

Age: 13/14 GCSE

Year-9 (Class 9)

This is the an important and foundation year for GCSE study.

EduBana syllabbus for Year-9 is designed to give a solid-foundation to students to prepare for GCSE-study in core-subjects.

Check the syllabus covered in the Year 9 (Class 9).....