year 8 syllabus | EDUBANA

Study English, Math and Science for year 8 syllabus

Study English, Math and Science (Year7, Year8 and Year9) | Edubana

year 8 syllabus | English, Math & Science | EDUBANA

The young learners learn, practise and test their skills developed with EduBana-English, Maths and Science program powered by automated marking and weekly reporting of their progrress to Guardian/Parent.

EduBana's English, Maths and Science exercices are aligned with National-curriculum so that learners' progress can be visible in School (class) throughout the year.

The study program is designed to guide sutdents/learners to build their knowledge and skills by covering the Year-8 (Class-8) syllabus (National Curriculum) .

Maths - Grade 4/5

  1. Simple and Compund Interest.
  2. Algebra:- Equations & Inequalitis, Expressions
  3. Algebra: Problem Solving, Sequence & Terms
  4. Geometry: Angles, Co-ordinates and Shapes
  5. Trigonometry: Fundamentals
  6. Measures: Units (Area, Distnce & Capcity)
  7. Integer, Frations, Decimal & Percentage
  8. Square/Cube Roots and Place Value
  9. Ratio, Proportion and Probability

English - Grade 3/4

  1. Revision: Parts Of Speech and Punctuation
  2. Critical Text-Analysis and Comparison
  3. Creative Writing: Auto-biography, Adventurous and Imaginative
  4. Character Awareness, Inference and Evidence
  5. Comprehension: Fiction & Non-Fiction
  6. Comprehension: Poem
  7. End of Year Assessment

Science - Biology

  1. Nutrition and Digestion
  2. Photosynthesis
  3. Cellular Respiration
  4. Gas Exchange System

Science - Chemistry

  1. Atoms, Element and Compounds
  2. Chemical Reaction
  3. Rock Cycle, Weathering
  4. Composition of Earth and Atmosphere
  5. Carbon Cycle
  6. Mixture and Solution
  7. Periodic Table
  8. Metal & Non-metal Oxides

Science - Physics

  1. Heat, Light and Sound
  2. Waves: Sound and Light
  3. Cost of Energy Calculation
  4. Energy Tranger and Changes
  5. Electricity and Magnetism
  6. Energy and Fuels